3 vs 1

Tactical Problem:  How to get by a defender with three offensive players and the importance of remaining deep in support.  When to pass and when not to pass.
Skill development: Passing, catching and running straight.

Teaching Points:


  • Pass to a support player if the defender stays with the ball carrier
  • Run beyond the defender if he/she moves to defend your support player and then pass the ball to your support. 


  • Be able to see your team-mates back when running in support.
  • Talk to the ball carrier when in support.
  • Reach, Catch, Sweep when passing. 


Players work in groups of three in a single channel.  The ball carrier runs up the channel and the defender either marks him/her or moves to mark the support player.

If the defender marks the support player, the ball carrier runs past the defender and then passes but if the defender marks the ball carrier then the ball is passes to the support player.

The defender may only move laterally within the channel.


Organizational Points:

  • Players work in groups of three in a channel
  • Drill can also be performed in a group of 4
  • One defender within the channel